Friday 22 February 2008

The Language of Football: Part 2

Mazy Run

As in, “Giggsy is off on another one of his mazy runs.”

Mazy doesn’t appear in the OED. Presumably, it’s being employed here as an adjective to describe something that resembles a maze. Like a run.

Via this phrase, then, the commentator is suggesting that the player in question, whilst in possession of the ball (one would hope), appears, by virtue of their non-linear progression, as though they are running though a maze.

It is usually employed in a complimentary manner. However, not all mazy runs are created equal: have you ever seen Diomansy Kamara play? Upon receipt of the ball, the head typically goes down, the brow furrows, and he’s off - locked on to some mysterious ultrasonic frequency that only he can receive and decipher. Intent on reaching some elusive destination that only he appreciates the significance of. If only it were the goal.

Potential future developments:
Primark Run – player bustles his way through a group of closing defenders in a similar manner to a teenage girl entering a clothes store on the first day of the sale;
Clapton Run – player weaves in and out of defenders as though dodging bullets on Lower Clapton Road.


Anonymous said...

ha ha, I'm always thinking about this sort of thing.


gilt-edged (which at this point must be used more in football than in any other context. I heard some commentator say to his colour man the other day "None of those chances were really gilt edged, were they?" "No, not gilt edged, but still very takeable". Jibberish really...)

backlift (as in "he hit that with very little backlift")

week in week out (this is Alan Shearer's favourite)

and many more...

Rich (CCN)

smfifteen said...

Some good ones there, Rich: glad I'm not the only one with a prevailing obsession about this sort of thing.

I've got a little stack of these now, so more to come.

Sad Old Git said...

'Mazy' might not appear in the OED, but it is a perfectly good English word. It can mean someone or something that appears to act in an intoxicated or dazed manner. Henry Williamson uses it in both (I think) "Dandelion Days" and "Tarka the Otter".